A guide to play top lane!
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Guide for being a better teammate
When you're in a blind pick, call "top lane", and play garen. Garen is a champion that scales off of attack damage, meaning his (abilities activated by pressing QWER on the keyboard) Q, W, E and , R does bonus damage for every item you purchase.
So when you enter in the summoner's rift, you head top and wait for the minion waves to spawn, then when you hit level 3, you want to spam your Q and run away to show how much skill you have. Then, when you hit level 6, you want to Q, then E for the bonus damage, then use your R to finish off your opponent. The opponent will come back to lane and the process repeats. If your opponent somehow kills you in which he clearly wont, you want to go to all chat, and tell him he has a broken champion, when you are playing garen.
And that is how you play top lane garen. gg ez